Car Rental Without Credit Card
Most of us own a credit card today. However, many choose to forgo using credit for various reasons. Or maybe you simply don’t have a credit card? Is it possible to rent a car without a credit card?
At HolylandCars, we will try to address this issue and find the best solution.
Why Do Car Rental Companies Require a Credit Card?
The only reason car rental companies require a credit card is that they can easily collect payment for damages in the event of an accident or mishap.
Why Do Car Rental Companies Charge a High Deposit?
For those who don’t know: Large car rental companies are not obligated to insure their vehicles, as well as the driver, passengers, and third parties. In the event of an accident, damage, or other irregularities, the entire responsibility lies with the driver. Therefore, large car rental companies also protect themselves by requiring a high deposit.
Why Do Car Rental Companies Prefer Credit Cards Over Cash or Checks?
Cash: Large car rental companies avoid storing large amounts of cash in their branches to prevent unnecessary operations and to avoid complicating their already hard work. Additionally, how much cash can you reasonably ask from a customer as security?
Checks are not accepted as deposits for the same reasons. Moreover, when depositing checks, the payment guarantee cannot be verified immediately – this process usually takes up to 3 days.
Alternative Car Rental Options Without a Credit Card
Contact a relative or friend who lives in Israel. They will likely have a credit card, like almost all Israeli citizens, and ask them to use their credit card as security. The only restriction is that your guarantor must be the primary driver and responsible for the rental as well as the payment of the 17% VAT on the total bill. You can be added as a secondary driver. In this case, you only need to pay $4 per day for the insurance of the second driver.
Are There Car Rental Companies That Don’t Require a Credit Card at All?
Yes, there may be small companies in some countries that offer alternative deposit options. However, in this case, it should not be forgotten that the reliability of such offers is highly questionable.
Often, such offices profit from unfounded claims against the driver after the vehicle is returned. For example, scratches, fabricated taxes, etc. Local “businessmen” exploit the lack of language skills and knowledge of local laws and benefit from it. Therefore, we recommend only dealing with proven, international companies with a solid reputation.
And if you plan to rent a car in Israel, our company is the reliable solution.
Good journey!