Cookie policy

How we use cookies

HolylandCars, like most sites on the Internet, uses cookies: this allows us to provide our site visitors and our customers with our services, to ensure that our services are available and not down, and to analyze data and understand what we are doing wrong and where to develop. In this document, we explain how we use cookies – and what site visitors can do about it.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a piece of data from a website you visit and which is stored on your computer.

What cookies do we use and for what purpose?

Cookies for statistics: We use several systems to collect statistics – it is important for us to know how we are read and perceived. Based on this data, we understand the size of our audience, as well as what we are doing right and what is wrong. We collect statistics through partners – Google Analytics and Yandex Metrika.

What if you don’t want to use cookies?

You can disable them in your browser’s security settings. It is important to understand that the settings must be applied in all browsers that you use (on a computer and on a phone). If you choose to disable cookies, please be aware that some of the features of the HolylandCars services will no longer be available to you or may work unpredictably.